How to Cure Bad Breath | Cures That Work | Drs Savage, Sabol & Visser
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How to Cure Bad Breath – Cures That Work

No one wants bad breath – to smell it OR to have it! So, if you know you suffer from bad breath or someone has told you that you do, it’s time to make some changes. Bad breath, known officially as halitosis, is caused by bacteria from leftover food. In some cases, it signals a bigger problem. Let’s take a look at what you can do to get rid of it.

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What You Eat

The quickest way to alleviate your bad breath is to cut out certain foods, or at least don’t eat them as often. Food is first broken down in the mouth, so if you’re reaching for foods that have strong residual odors such as garlic or onions, the smell will stay with you. You can gargle with mouthwash, brush and floss, but you will still have that underlying bad breath until the food has passed through your body, says WebMD.

Oral Hygiene Habits

The foundation of good oral hygiene is built on brushing and flossing daily. If you don’t, food particles will stay inside your mouth and breed bacteria around the tongue, gums and teeth. It helps to use antibacterial mouth rinse. If you wear dentures or a retainer, wash it once a week in a cleaning solution available over the counter. This will remove any lingering bacteria that can certainly contribute to bad breath.

Visiting the dentist every six months is also imperative to keeping bad breath at bay. Dental cavities, poorly-fitting dental appliances, and yeast infections in the mouth are all culprits of bad breath. Your dentist can identify and remedy these problems.

Bad Habits

In addition to the foods you eat, bad breath is a direct result of bad habits such as chewing tobacco or smoking. Not only can these things stain your teeth, they can also irritate the gums, cause chronic halitosis and even cause your sense of taste to dull.

Health Problems Arising from Bad Breath

Bad breath isn’t just gross for those standing close to you; it can signal worsening health problems. If you have persistent bad breath and you have done everything you can to combat it, this could signal periodontal or gum disease. This is caused by plaque buildup on teeth, where bacteria form and attack the gums. You could experience lasting effects to your gums and jawbone if left untreated.

Other health problems associated with bad breath include:

  • Respiratory tract infections
  • Chronic sinus infections
  • Postnasal drip
  • Diabetes
  • Chronic acid reflux
  • Liver or kidney problems

Do you suffer from dry mouth? If so, consider that this is a big trigger of bad breath. That’s because your mouth is lacking saliva, which is a vital component of a moist mouth. You need plenty of saliva to neutralize acids and wash away dead tongue, cheek and gum cells that can decompose and cause bad breath if left to fester.

For more helpful tips and advice, call Drs. Savage, Sabol and Visser today.

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