Key Problems to Watch for in Growing Children | Drs Savage, Sabol & Visser
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Key Problems to Watch for in Growing Children

As your child grows, there are certain things you should be on the lookout for in terms of their teeth. In addition, it’s important that your child is seen by an orthodontist by the time they hit seven years of age. The doctor can spot subtle problems occurring with the jaw and emerging teeth even though your child likely still has some baby teeth, says the American Association of Orthodontists.

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Here’s why you should keep an eye on your child’s teeth:

  1. You may assume because your child’s teeth are straight, they are fine. However, an underlying problem could be present, such as with the jaw or alignment. The orthodontist has the tools and experience to know what to look for and what it means.
  2. Spotting an issue early on can prevent it from becoming a bigger problem down the road. Even if an issue is spotted, this doesn’t mean action must be taken right away. Sometimes, the orthodontist will simply monitor it every few months until action is necessary. Plus, treating a problem at an early age is far more preferable than waiting till the teenage years or adult hood, when the jaw is fully grown. Treatment is also less complicated and painful as a child.
  3. Early treatment allows the orthodontist to do the following:
  • Guide and monitor jaw growth.
  • Reduce the risk of trauma to front teeth that may be protruding.
  • Help correct and reverse bad oral hygiene habits.
  • Guide permanent teeth into better position.
  • Make your child’s smile more aesthetically pleasing.

Once your child is on a regular schedule of visits with the orthodontist, you can rest assured they’re being monitored for any issues that may crop up. You will be advised when braces are recommended or any other devices such as palate expanders.

There are many problems that can befall your child’s teeth, from crooked teeth to overbites and underbites, which are inherited traits. When misaligned bites are left untreated, it can lead to problems later on. Overbites and underbites are very common in both children and adults, cause by early loss of baby and adult teeth, as well as thumb sucking, gum disease and jaw misalignment after injury.

Bad habits like prolonged use of bottles and pacifiers as well as thumb sucking and finger nail biting can contribute to the need for orthodontic treatment. Limit their use and stop them as early on as possible so it’s easier to get your kids to stop the behavior. Other problems that could arise from injury, heredity or bad habits include anything from open bites to protrusion.

Not sure where to start? Call Drs. Savage, Sabol and Visser, where we have extensive experience correcting underbites, overbites and other orthodontic issues. Let us monitor your children from an early age so they can get the proper orthodontic treatment exactly when needed.

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