Common Orthodontic Myths and Facts | Drs Savage, Sabol & Visser
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Common Orthodontic Myths and Facts

It’s pretty common that most people have a general understanding of what a dentist is and what a dentist does. However, there is often less understanding surrounding orthodontists and orthodontic care. What exactly separates orthodontists from dentists? This list of common myths and facts surrounding orthodontic treatment should help familiarize patients with the uniqueness of this form of tooth care.

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MYTH #1: Braces must hurt in order to work.

FACT: While braces treatments in the past could be painful, now-a-days all the new materials and improvements to processes have allowed braces to become more comfortable than ever. Most patients now experience little to no discomfort.

MYTH #2: Braces need to be constantly fitted with new wires.

FACT: Advancements in orthodontic care, as well as improvements in materials used now allow wires to be changed far less frequently than in the past.

MYTH #3: Braces work immediately.

FACT: While the treatment plan begins its effects the moment the braces are fitted to the teeth, it can take some time before there are perceptible changes in the structure of your mouth and teeth.

MYTH #4: The tighter the braces the faster they work.

FACT: It may sound like it makes sense, tighter braces should work faster right? However, too much tightness can have negative effects on your teeth and oral health and won’t allow things to straighten out any faster.

MYTH #5: All orthodontists work the same.

FACT: While you are free to switch doctors if necessary or desired, each orthodontist handles treatment plans in their own way so it’s more ideal to commit to one doctor throughout the course of your treatment.

MYTH #6: My date for getting braces off is guaranteed.

FACT: The length of time it takes to fully treat your teeth alignment can vary. In some cases, you could get your braces off sooner, while other cases may have longer treatment times. There is usually a fairly reliable timeline but don’t hang your hat on one specific date.

MYTH #7: Braces will fix my teeth permanently.

FACT: There are many outside factors that affect the alignment of a patient’s teeth and can be an issue for a lifetime. This is why retainers are often prescribed after treatment to help maintain the integrity and alignment of your new smile.

MYTH #8: Braces are ugly and embarrassing.

FACT: With new materials, such as clear ceramic being used to make braces, they are becoming less and less unsightly and oftentimes are hardly noticeable.

MYTH #9: Braces are purely for cosmetic reasons.

FACT: Straightening and aligning your teeth has benefits far beyond just looking nice. While cosmetic improvements are a facet of treatment and often give our patients something to smile about, it’s also extremely important to the wear and tear of your teeth as well as mouth comfort. The benefits of a properly aligned smile are endless.

Now that you know a little bit more about orthodontic care and what it entails, you can go into your treatment plan ready and educated. Of course, if you have any questions you can always ask your orthodontist for further clarification.

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