Are Your Retainers Supposed to Hurt? - Drs. Savage, Sabol & Visser
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Are Your Retainers Supposed to Hurt?

Retainers are the last step in orthodontic treatment. After the braces are removed, a mold is made of your teeth. A short while later, you get your new retainer. Wearing a retainer is much easier than braces, yet it is an important part of keeping your teeth aligned.

Why Do I Need a Retainer?

Once the braces are removed, your teeth can still shift around. A retainer helps keeps your teeth in the right position. Without a retainer, your teeth may go back to the same position as before you got braces. This often requires additional orthodontic treatments later in your life.

How Should I Use My Retainer?

Wear your retainer as directed by the orthodontist. You may need to wear it all day or only at night. Some people only need to wear a retainer for a short while after getting their braces removed. Others need to use a retainer for the rest of their lives. It’s important to follow the instructions to ensure that you have a great smile and proper alignment for years to come.

Why Does It Hurt When I Wear My Retainer?

Some discomfort is expected with a retainer, yet it should be about the same as when you get your braces adjusted. You should only feel a slight pulling sensation on your teeth. This should be short-term. If you forget to wear your retainer for a few days, you will notice that it pulls on your teeth a bit more than usual. This should only last for a few days.

Any other types of pain indicate that the retainer needs to be adjusted. A retainer should not cause sore areas on your tongue, cheeks, or lips. You also shouldn’t have gum sensitivity from your retainer.

Can I Stop Wearing My Retainer If It Hurts?

Wear your retainer as much as possible. You may be having some normal pain as the retainer adjusts the alignment of your teeth. Otherwise, the only time you shouldn’t wear it is if it is damaged. There are some ways to make your retainer more comfortable until you can schedule a follow-up appointment.

Tips for Making Your Retainer More Comfortable

Here are some tips to make your retainer more comfortable.

  • Wear your retainer as directed by your orthodontist
  • Give yourself a few days to get used to wearing a retainer
  • Apply a cold compress to the cheek area where you feel a pulling sensation on your teeth
  • Take an over-the-counter pain medication for any aching
  • Eat cold, soft foods, such as ice cream, frozen yogurt, cold soups, and smoothies
  • Put a small piece of dental wax in any wires or sharp edges that are irritating your cheeks, lips, or gums
  • Use a topical numbing gel on sore areas
  • Gargle with salt water to help with sore areas inside your mouth

When Should I Call My Doctor for Retainer Pain?

The only normal discomfort with a retainer is a slight pulling sensation on your teeth. Any other type of discomfort means that your retainer needs to be checked for proper fit. Contact us right away to schedule an appointment. In the meantime, use our tips to alleviate the pain. Wear your retainer as much as possible until your follow-up appointment.

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