Bad Foods for White Teeth
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Bad Foods for White Teeth

You probably can’t live without your morning cup of joe, or that evening glass of wine. Maybe you didn’t realize how damaging your soda with lunch really is. Let’s take a look at which foods and beverages can stain your teeth, why they do, and what you can do about it.Orthodontics in Virginia Beach, VA

Beverages that Stain Teeth

Don’t let your favorite drinks take that the shine off your smile! Be aware of what beverages are the worst in terms of staining, and do what you can to avoid damage.

Wine: Both red and white wine can cause staining. Despite the coloring, they are very acidic in nature and contain chromogens and tannins that pose a staining risk.

Soda: Again, both dark and light colored sodas can result in teeth staining. Like wine, these beverages are acidic and carbonated, which only adds to the damaging effect.

Tea: Because it contains tannins just like wine, black tea tends to stain the teeth just as easily. If you’re a tea lover and can’t go without, try herbal, green or white tea instead.

Foods that Stain Teeth

Berries: They’re certainly tasty and healthy, but they do a number on your teeth. These include:

  • Blueberries
  • Blackberries
  • Cranberries
  • Cherries
  • Grapes

Beets: It’s no wonder beets stain your teeth so badly; just try getting a beet stain out of your clothing!

Pickles: You may love the sour taste of pickles but the acid in them is eating away at your enamel and allowing tooth-staining bacteria to thrive.

Pasta sauce: With such a bright-red coloring and highly acidic content, tomato sauce causes staining and enamel erosion, according to Woman’s Health magazine.

How to Avoid Staining

Fortunately, you don’t have to stay away from all your favorite foods and beverages just because they have the potential to stain your teeth. Instead, enjoy them in moderation, and brush your teeth afterwards. Here are some other tips:

  • Sip sodas and iced tea with a straw
  • Swallow beverages immediately and don’t swish them around your mouth
  • Rinse your mouth out with water afterwards and spit.

The color present in certain foods and beverages contains chromogens, which are highly pigmented molecules that attach themselves to tooth enamel, says WebMD. The acidity in these foods and drinks can soften your teeth so much so that the chromogens build up, no thanks to tannins which also play a role.

Visit your orthodontist for more information on how you can avoid teeth staining and how you can get rid of it if you do fall victim to it. There are some in-office teeth whitening solutions you can try, but before using any over-the-counter treatments, always ask your orthodontist first.

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