Best Age to Start Orthodontic Treatment - Drs. Savage, Sabol & Visser
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Best Age to Start Orthodontic Treatment

Getting your child’s orthodontic treatment started at the optimal age is important for ensuring the best results. While there is no single “perfect” age, certain age ranges tend to provide specific benefits. Read on to learn the best timeframe for beginning your child’s orthodontic care.

What is the Best Age to Start Orthodontic Treatment?

The ideal age for initial orthodontic evaluation is between ages 7 and 8. At this age, your orthodontist can spot subtle problems with jaw growth or emerging alignment issues and recommend early intervention if needed. Early treatment can prevent more expensive or aggressive treatments that may otherwise be needed down the road. This is because the teeth and jaw are still developing at this age, which makes them easier to correct with orthodontic treatment.

What are the Benefits of Early Orthodontic Treatment?

Starting treatment between ages 7-9 allows orthodontists to correct bite and alignment issues while the head and mouth are still developing. This can help guide proper growth and prevent more invasive treatment later. Early intervention may also shorten total treatment time and reduce the need for tooth extractions or jaw surgery later.

What Types of Orthodontic Treatments are Recommended?

For young patients, we often recommend traditional braces, particularly if the child has a mixture of baby teeth and permanent teeth coming in. Braces can correct bite issues and guide proper positioning of the permanent teeth as they emerge. Headgear may also be used in conjunction with braces to help shape jaw growth if needed.

In severe cases, patients may benefit from two-phase orthodontic treatment. The first phase is performed during the younger years (patients aged 6-9) to address any emerging bite or spacing problems. This early intervention guides jaw growth and allows permanent teeth to come in properly positioned. The second phase of treatment is done in adolescence to finalize alignment and leveling prior to adulthood. The second phase is generally made simpler and faster thanks to the initial treatment phase.

While Invisalign clear aligners are a popular treatment option, we typically do not recommend them for younger patients. Invisalign requires the patient to switch aligners and wear them for the prescribed time each day, which can be a lot of responsibility for younger children. As a result, we typically reserve Invisalign treatments for patients in their pre-teens and older.

What Age is Too Late for Orthodontic Treatment?

There is no absolute cut-off age for orthodontic treatment. However, results tend to be best when treatment is started while facial growth and jaw development are still occurring. After growth is complete, usually in the late teens, orthodontic movements are more difficult to achieve. This means that results may take months or even years longer to achieve if treatment is started later in life. However, adults of any age can benefit from orthodontic correction and realignment.

At Drs. Savage, Sabol and Visser, we conduct thorough exams to determine if your child can benefit from early orthodontic treatments. Contact us today at our Virginia Beach office to schedule a consultation.

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