Caring for Braces During Summer Vacation (Avoid These 4 Mistakes) - Drs. Savage, Sabol & Visser
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Caring for Braces During Summer Vacation (Avoid These 4 Mistakes)

Summer vacation is the perfect time to relax, unwind, and have fun. However, if you wear braces, it’s important to take extra care to ensure your orthodontic treatment stays on track. Below, we’ll address common mistakes that patients make with their braces during the summer months and how to avoid them.

1.  Neglecting Oral Hygiene

When you’re on vacation, it can be tempting to slack off on your oral hygiene routine. However, neglecting to brush and floss regularly can lead to plaque buildup, which can cause tooth decay and gum disease. If you wear braces, it’s especially important to brush and floss thoroughly to remove food particles and plaque that can get trapped in your brackets and wires.

Solution: Make oral hygiene a priority during your vacation. Pack a travel-sized toothbrush and toothpaste, floss, and mouthwash to use after meals. If you’re going to be away from amenities for an extended period of time, bring a water bottle to rinse your mouth out after eating.

2.  Eating Hard or Sticky Foods

Summer is the season for delicious treats like ice cream, corn on the cob, and chewy candies. However, if you wear braces, these foods can damage your brackets and wires or get stuck in your braces, leading to discomfort or even broken braces.

Solution: Avoid hard, sticky, or chewy foods that can damage your braces. Stick to soft foods like yogurt, mashed potatoes, and smoothies, or cut hard foods into small pieces before eating them. If you do indulge in a sticky treat, make sure to brush and floss thoroughly afterwards.

3.  Forgetting to Wear a Mouthguard

Summer is also the season for outdoor sports and activities like swimming, biking, and more. However, if you wear braces and don’t wear a mouthguard, a fall or collision can damage your brackets and wires or even injure your mouth.

Solution: Wear a mouthguard during any physical activity, whether it’s a team sport or just a bike ride. Your orthodontist can provide you with a custom-fitted mouthguard that will protect your braces and your mouth.

4.  Skipping Orthodontic Appointments

During the summer, it can be tempting to put off orthodontic appointments in favor of fun activities and vacations. However, skipping appointments can delay your treatment progress and make it take longer to achieve your desired results.

Solution: Keep your regularly scheduled orthodontic appointments, even during the summer months. If you’re going to be away on vacation, please inform our offices of your plans so that we can  schedule your appointment  before or after your trip.  If you experience problems will out of town please reach out to a local orthodontist for assistance.

If you need any assistance caring for your braces during the summer months, contact us today at Drs. Savage, Sabol and Visser.

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