Dental Health Month - Drs. Savage, Sabol & Visser
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Dental Health Month

Orthodontics in Virginia Beach, VAFebruary is national dental health month, and a great time to reflect on what you can do to take care of your and your family’s smile.  Keeping dental appointments and making time for proper dental care can be hard sometimes. Take a moment and think of where you are at with your oral care. Are you, or is any member of your family due for a checkup and a cleaning? Is there a procedure that you have been putting off? Or, is it time to recommit yourself to better dental care habits, such as flossing? Now is the time.

Preparing Children for Their First Dental Visit

If you have little ones, you probably already know that oral hygiene and dental care should start in infancy. Even before those first little teeth come through, it is a good idea to clean the gums twice a day with a soft cloth. This helps prevent bacteria from damaging the underlying teeth, and it also gets your baby accustomed to dental hygiene practices, such as brushing and exams.

If your child is a toddler, now is the time to make their first dental appointment. Ideally, you should schedule the first appointment around the first birthday, or six months after the first tooth appears. At this initial visit, your dentist can spot any issues before they become a problem, and will check for tooth decay, gum health, bite and if necessary, perform a cleaning.

Teaching Children about Good Oral Health

Getting kids to brush and floss can feel like a battle. It is a good idea to enforce good dental hygiene early on so it becomes a habit. Talk to your children about tooth decay and model good dental care habits for them. Be sure to get them in for regular visits.

Limiting sugary, acidic and hard foods can also be an important part of dental care. Sodas, candy, acidic fruits and juices and chewing on hard candies and even ice can cause a host of problems. Try to limit the sugary foods and sodas, and teach your children to rinse their mouths after consuming these foods.

Taking Care of Your Own Teeth

Finally, don’t forget about your own teeth. If you are the primary caregiver in your home, or a busy on-the-go adult you may not be making enough time for your own dental health. You may not know this, but it’s not just about your teeth. Poor dental health is related to health problems overall. For example, persons with gum disease are far more likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

As you get older, your teeth require even more care. Keeping up with regular cleanings and x-rays is just as important as brushing, rinsing and flossing daily. Taking these steps will improve and protect your overall health, and also guard against decay, tooth loss and expensive procedures.

This February, take some time out of your busy schedule to do something good for yourself and your family. Make appointments for checkups today.

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