How Long Will it Take for Braces to Straighten Crooked Teeth? - Drs. Savage, Sabol & Visser
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How Long Will it Take for Braces to Straighten Crooked Teeth?

Braces in Virginia Beach, VAOne of the most frequently asked questions we get from our patients has to do with how long they will need to have their braces on for before they have a beautiful, straight smile. The answer to this question isn’t as simple as one might expect. Let’s go over all the factors involved in your orthodontic treatment to estimate how long you might need to have your braces on.

How Long Will I Need Braces?

When it comes to wearing traditional metal braces, we typically see patients needing them anywhere from 6 to 24 months, depending on if you choose a simple “smile makeover” or to correct more severe malalignments of your teeth and jaw. Take into account this is a very average range of time, meaning your orthodontic treatment may be shorter or longer than the provided range. It truly depends most on your teeth and jaw’s current condition, the type of orthodontic treatment you choose to get, and how well you take care of your teeth and braces throughout your treatment process.

What’s Involved in Straightening my Teeth?

To really estimate how long it will take for you to straighten your teeth with traditional metal braces, let’s take a short look at the typical treatment process.

  • Initial Consultation

During your first visit with one of our expert orthodontists, your teeth and jaw will be examined using a series of photographs, X-rays and digital scans. These scans allow our doctors to get a better look at your current condition to evaluate which treatment option is best for you. Once you both decide on a treatment plan that suits your budget and lifestyle, you’ll go on to schedule your first ever treatment.

  • First Treatment

Your initial treatment appointment is going to be your longest. If you’re getting traditional metal braces, this appointment requires approximately 1 hour to adhere each bracket to each individual tooth before a thin, metal wire is going to be strung through to attach the brackets together. Following your initial appointment, your mouth and teeth may feel a little sore. This is very normal and will resolve on its own in just a few days.

  • Follow-up Appointments

The follow-up appointments required for your orthodontic treatment will take up the most time associated with your treatment. Follow-up treatments will be spaced about six to eight weeks apart and usually take approximately 20 minutes.  These appointments allow our orthodontists to fine-tune your brackets and wiring to ensure your teeth are straightening out properly.

  • Your Smile Reveal

After months of dedication to your treatment plan, it will finally be time to reveal your new smile. All your hard work keeping up with your appointments and taking care of your braces has led up to this moment. We ask you to take this moment in stride as you reap the benefits of a long journey.

See? Having braces doesn’t have to be as scary as it sounds. While the journey ahead may seem daunting, we promise it’s worth every second. Are you ready to take the first step? Call our office today to set up your consultation with Drs. Savage, Sabol, and Visser.

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