How to Handle Pokey Wires on Braces - Drs. Savage, Sabol & Visser
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How to Handle Pokey Wires on Braces

Perhaps one of the most uncomfortable parts of a braces treatment is pokey wires that stick into your tongue, cheeks or other parts of the mouth. If you’re experiencing pokey wires on your braces, don’t fear! This problem is not as scary as it might seem, and the solution is actually quite simple. Here’s how to handle pokey wires on braces!

Is it normal for your braces wire to poke you?

Sadly, it is common for braces wires to poke at some point during a braces treatment. In most cases, this is because the wires have become bent or damaged. The primary cause for damaged braces and poking wires is eating food that is too hard or crunchy, which is precisely why these types of foods are advised against for patients with braces. Despite the fact that pokey wires are common, they do indicate a problem! If you have pokey wires, your braces may not be helping you progress through treatment as intended. Not to mention, they are likely causing pain along the way!

What to do if you have a pokey wire on your braces?

There are two solutions to dealing with pokey wire on braces. The first solution is to use dental wax. This is a soft, malleable wax that you can get from your orthodontist’s office,  a local pharmacy or online. To alleviate pain from pokey wires, simply break off a small piece of the wax, roll it into a ball and attach it to the pokey wire that is causing pain. The wax will smooth out the pokey wires and prevent it from aggravating the skin until you can visit your orthodontist. If you don’t have access to dental wax, it is also possible to trim the pokey wires yourself using wire cutters or scissors. However, this is generally not recommended because it may cause further damage to the braces and the surrounding areas of the mouth.

The second solution to pokey wires is scheduling a visit with your orthodontist! During your visit, your orthodontist will remove the damaged wire and apply a new one that will not poke or irritate the mouth. If you are approaching an appointment, you can simply wait until your next visit to have your orthodontist take care of your pokey wires. However, if you are weeks or more from treatment and experiencing continued pain from pokey wires, you may want to schedule an additional appointment to solve the issue. As mentioned, extended time with damaged braces can delay your progress and lead to a longer braces treatment.

It’s also important to remember that you may experience some discomfort after getting braces put on for the first time. Even if the braces and wires aren’t damaged, the metal appliances can still irritate and poke the mouth as your body gets used to having them on the teeth. Fortunately, dental wax can still help in this case to alleviate pain as your mouth gets used to the braces.

For more information on braces treatments, contact us today at Savage, Sabol and Visser Orthodontics. We are proud to serve the residents of Virginia Beach and the surrounding areas of Virginia!

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