Myths vs. Facts of Braces
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Teeth & Braces: Myths Vs. Facts

We’ve all heard that braces have to be tight to work, or that only kids can have braces. We know many of those myths and common misperceptions are simply not true. Here are some myths vs. facts that we’d like to clarify to set the record straight. If you visit an orthodontist for braces or will in the future, this article is for you!

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Myth: Braces have to be tight and painful to know they’re working.

Fact: The old days of braces brought pain and uncomfortable mouths because stiff metal wires were attached to the braces, exerting a force that could be quite painful. Today’s technologies afford less discomfort because the materials used are flexible and exert low level forces.

Myth: Tighter/more frequent adjustments will get your braces off sooner.

Fact: Not so. Just by applying heavier force more frequently won’t get you out of braces more quickly. By forcing the process, you can damage the bone and tissues in your mouth, causing even more problems and even increasing the time spent in braces. Slow and steady wins the race!

Myth: Gaps immediately close after applying braces

Fact: While many patients expect their gaps and spaces to close right away after getting braces, this isn’t usually the case. In fact, spaces may get even wider temporarily as the teeth begin to align properly. All gaps will close once the teeth have become straight; it’s just a matter of time.

Myth: Once your braces are off, your teeth will be beautiful and straight for the rest of your life.

Fact: Not always so. There is no guarantee that your teeth will remain straight. Because teeth are connected to elastic fibers, those fibers can stretch over time. When your braces are taken off, those fibers still want to stretch and pull your teeth, which is why your orthodontist will probably recommend the use of a retainer after braces removal.

Myths: Overbites are a big problem.

Fact: Actually, a slight overbite is not a problem at all. You don’t want to have a perfect bite; that is, where your top and bottom teeth bite together exactly. People with this kind of bite wear down their teeth as the years go on, posing a whole new set of problems. A severe overbite, however, is cause for concern and treatment is necessary.

Myth: Any dentist can put braces on or use clear tray like Invisalign.

Fact: Only a qualified orthodontist should apply and manage braces or aligners in both kids and adults. Its it the job of an orthodontist to diagnose and treat issues, such as crooked or crowded teeth, malocclusions and abnormalities, along with total braces care, according to the Houston Chronicle.

Myth: Everyone who has braces must be in them for many years.

Fact: Not everyone faces years of braces. Every individual is different. Correction of the teeth can range from six months to two to three years, according to KidsHealth.

Hopefully these myths vs. facts cleared up some information for you about braces!

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