The Hidden Costs of Smile Direct Clubs - Drs. Savage, Sabol & Visser
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The Hidden Costs of Smile Direct Clubs

The rise of at-home aligners like Smile Direct Club has made orthodontic treatment more accessible than ever before. While the price may be lower, the quality of care and the level of expertise you receive from a licensed orthodontist cannot be replicated with an at-home kit. Here are some of the hidden costs of Smile Direct Club and why visiting an orthodontist in person is a better investment:

1.  Lack of Personalization

Smile Direct Club and other at-home aligners are a one-size-fits-all approach to orthodontic treatment. The aligners are made from a mold you take at home and are not tailored to your unique dental needs. In contrast, orthodontists have years of training and experience in creating personalized treatment plans that are specific to each patient’s individual needs.

2.  Monitoring Progress

Orthodontists monitor your progress throughout the treatment process, ensuring that your teeth are moving in the right direction and at the appropriate pace. With Smile Direct Club, there is no in-person monitoring of your progress, which means you could be putting your dental health at risk.

3.  Hidden Fees

Smile Direct Club may advertise a lower upfront cost, but there are often hidden fees that can add up quickly. For example, if your teeth need additional adjustments, you may need to purchase more aligners or pay for additional treatments. These costs can quickly add up, making the Smile Direct Club option more expensive than you originally anticipated.

4.  Quality of Care

Orthodontists are dental specialists who have extensive training in the anatomy of the mouth and the movement of teeth. They are equipped to handle any complications or issues that may arise during treatment. With Smile Direct Club, you are relying on a remote team that may not have the same level of expertise and training as an orthodontist.

5.  Long-term Results

The ultimate goal of orthodontic treatment is to achieve a straighter, healthier smile that lasts a lifetime. While Smile Direct Club may promise results, there is no guarantee that the results will be permanent. Without proper in-person monitoring and treatment, you may end up with teeth that shift back into their original position over time.

Even though the cost of Smile Direct Club aligners may seem appealing, their hidden costs and risks can quickly add up. Orthodontic treatment with an experienced and licensed orthodontist is an investment in your dental health and provides a higher level of care and expertise. If you’re interested in straightening the teeth, contact us today to schedule your consultation with Drs. Savage, Sabol and Visser.

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