Virginia Beach Orthodontist Explains: Why Direct-to-Consumer Companies are Not Worth the Risk - Drs. Savage, Sabol & Visser
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Virginia Beach Orthodontist Explains: Why Direct-to-Consumer Companies are Not Worth the Risk

There’s a fairly recent trend trying to take hold in the direct-to-consumer arena. It’s becoming commonly known as DIY or do-it-yourself orthodontics. But this is one area in which the risks definitely outweigh any potential rewards.

Orthodontics in Virginia Beach, VA


Despite what you may see online, on TV or in online videos, there’s more involved in straightening your teeth than using rubber bands or printing out a set of plastic braces.


There’s a Lot Involved in Creating a Straighter Smile


In order for an orthodontist to do what he does, whether it’s correcting your bite, or aligning your teeth and jaw, he has to do a preliminary exam to evaluate where everything currently sits. How else can you determine if the treatment is working if you don’t know where you started?


This is just one area the direct-to-consumer companies fail to address. Orthodontics involves the forced movement of actual living, biological tissue. If done improperly or incorrectly, you run the risk of suffering permanent, irreversible damage to teeth, gums, your bite or jaw alignment.


Are the Direct-to-Consumer Companies Practicing Medicine?

Is there any other transforming medical procedure you would consider doing without the advice and expertise of a trained medical professional?


Why would you trust your mouth and oral health to a faceless company without the benefit of a preliminary exam or any subsequent follow-up exams?


If something goes wrong, who will you call?


One woman did have something go quite wrong. She lost her normal bite, and along with that, the ability to properly chew her food. She also lost bone tissue around her teeth. She was at risk for losing her teeth as well. She ended up having to call her orthodontist to fix what the DIY orthodontics did to her mouth. Then she called her local news station to tell her story.

The AAO Weighs In


The American Association of Orthodontists, which includes Dr. Savage Sabol and Visser among its members, released a Consumer Alert notification with a list of questions to ask and factors to consider if you’re contemplating going the direct-to-consumer route for your orthodontic needs. (Which they do NOT recommend, by the way.)


Just a few points they think you should consider before making the decision to conduct orthodontic treatments at home:


  • Are diagnostic tests and evaluations included as part of the treatment?
  • Is there a dentist or orthodontist included at any point as part of your treatment?
  • Are there more treatment options available or is it a one-treatment-fits-all?
  • Do you already know or will they even attempt to determine if your teeth and gums are healthy enough to withstand orthodontic treatment?
  • Do they go over all the possible risks associated with their recommended treatment plan?
  • If you have an emergency, who can you call?


These are just a few of the concerns raised by the AAO; their entire list is about twice that long. The Association has filed complaints against several of the “online orthodontic companies” in 36 states so far.


The Bottom Line


Despite the lure of potentially costing less, too many times the cost to repair the damage done far exceeds any savings that might have been. Before you take steps down the DIY path, be fully aware there are dangers and serious risks involved in taking your healthcare professional out of the equation of your health care.

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