Wearing a Retainer Over the Years - Drs. Savage, Sabol & Visser
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Wearing a Retainer Over the Years

After completing a braces treatment, patients will rely on a retainer to maintain the position of their teeth. Failing to use your retainer as directed could result in the teeth shifting out of place. In some cases, this could mean that an additional braces treatment is needed. Nobody wants to wear braces longer than necessary, so take a moment to review the information below. We’ll help you gain a full understanding of retainer use and the risks of not using yours properly!

How long does it take for teeth to shift back with retainers?

After getting your braces removed, the teeth can begin shifting surprisingly quickly if you don’t use your retainer. In fact, some patients might notice movements in the teeth within as little as two weeks of getting their braces removed. The teeth always have the ability to shift in your mouth, even years after your braces have been removed. For these reasons, it’s essential to use your retainer immediately after getting your braces removed, and consistently thereafter.

In some cases, if you’ve forgotten to wear your retainer and notice movements in the teeth, your retainer may be able to move them back. However, retainers are designed to hold your teeth in place, not move them into the optimal position. While you might be able to improve the position of the teeth with retainer use, it could take months to see the results – and a retainer will never be as effective as braces. This is why patients are advised to use their retainer regularly from the start!

What happens if you stop wearing your retainer then start again?

If you stop using your retainer at any point, your teeth may have time to shift towards their old positions. Once this happens, you might notice that your retainer doesn’t fit in the same way that it used to. If your teeth move too much, your retainer may become uncomfortable or even painful. If your retainer doesn’t fit anymore, you may need to visit your orthodontist to replace your retainer or begin another orthodontist treatment to correct the position of the teeth. Fortunately, if you forget to wear your retainer for a day or two, your teeth likely won’t have enough time to move significantly. As long as you are consistent with your retainer use, you don’t have to worry about missing small amounts of time.

Can I wear my retainer after not wearing it for years?

If you have not worn your retainer for years, in most cases, you should not attempt to wear it again. After years of not using a retainer, your teeth have likely shifted quite a bit. Your retainer may fit the teeth poorly causing discomfort or pain to the teeth and gums. In some cases, an old retainer may even be harmful to the mouth. Instead of wearing an old retainer, you should visit an orthodontist to get fit for a new retainer or explore other options for correcting the position of the teeth.

Drs. Savage, Sabol and Visser are experts in orthodontic care and can help you navigate retainers to maintain a healthy smile for your lifetime. Contact us today if you are seeking retainer treatments or any other orthodontic services.

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