Accelerated Orthodontics Explained - Drs. Savage, Sabol & Visser
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Accelerated Orthodontics Explained

It’s no secret that one of the largest concerns with braces treatment is how long the treatment takes. Fortunately, there’s a new type of orthodontics, known as accelerated orthodontics, which can shorten the treatment time compared to traditional braces and similar orthodontic treatments. Below, we’ll explain everything you need to know about accelerated orthodontics.

What are accelerated orthodontics?

Accelerated orthodontics is a new type of braces treatment that offers a shorter treatment length than a traditional braces treatment. This is accomplished by combining traditional braces with minor oral surgery. With this combination of techniques, patients can expect their orthodontic treatments to be completed in as little as 50% of the time that would be required for traditional braces.

Is accelerated orthodontics safe?

Yes! Accelerated orthodontics uses one of two techniques that are proven to be safe and effective for moving the teeth at an expedited rate. The first technique involves a minor surgery to manipulate the bone structure and gum tissue. This surgery makes it easier for the teeth to shift in the mouth, allowing the braces treatment to progress more rapidly. The second option is non-surgical, and uses micropulses of energy to gently vibrate the roots of the teeth. This technique also makes it easier for the teeth to move into their new positions.

What is the fastest orthodontic treatment?

The fastest accelerated orthodontic treatment is the combination of traditional braces and surgery to manipulate the jaw bone and gum tissue. With this technique, orthodontic treatments can be completed approximately twice as fast, reducing treatment times from 18-36 months down to 12 months or less.

What are the 3 categories of orthodontics?

The 3 categories of orthodontics are also known as the 3 classes or the 3 levels of orthodontics. They are outlined below:

Class 1

Class 1 orthodontics addresses basic teeth alignment, and is mostly cosmetic. This category of orthodontics can correct crowding, spacing and protruding or rotated teeth. Class 1 orthodontics treatments commonly include braces or Invisalign®.

Class 2

Class 2 orthodontics can include the issues from class 1, but also addresses misalignment of the jaw bones, particularly when the upper jaw extends further than the lower jaw. This is also known as an overbite. In addition to braces, class 2 orthodontics may include headgear, elastics and other appliances.

Class 3

Class 3 orthodontics can include all of the issues from classes 1 and 2, but also addresses misalignment of the jaw bones when the lower jaw extends further than the upper jaw. This is known as an underbite. Like class 2 orthodontics, this can include appliances such as elastics, headgear and other treatment methods combined with braces.

If you are curious about the benefits of accelerated orthodontics, contact us today to determine if these techniques are suitable for you or your child. Drs. Savage, Sabol and Visser offer these and other orthodontic services to patients living in and around Virginia Beach, VA.

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