The Cost of Adult Braces - Drs. Savage, Sabol & Visser
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The Cost of Adult Braces

The cost of a braces treatment is an important aspect to consider, as it can place a financial strain on patients who are unprepared for it. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to plan for the cost of adult braces and make the treatment more affordable. Below, we’ll cover everything you need to know about adult braces costs.

How much do braces cost for adults?

The cost of braces for adults can vary depending on a few factors, including the type of braces used, the length of treatment and the orthodontist you visit. Across the country, the cost of an adult braces treatment can range from $2,000 to $8,000, with most treatments falling towards the middle of that range. Regardless of how much your braces treatment costs, there are ways to make it more affordable, such as financing or orthodontic insurance.

Are braces for adults more expensive?

Braces for adults are usually a bit more expensive than braces for children. This is because adults have fully matured, which means that their jaws and their teeth are a little more stubborn than children’s. While the treatment process is the same for both, adult braces treatments may take slightly longer to produce the optimal results when compared to a children’s braces treatment. This simply means that an adult will have a longer treatment duration with more visits to the orthodontist, which will increase the cost of braces treatments.

Are braces for adults worth it?

Yes! Many adults agree that braces are a life-changing treatment, even if they have to do it after their adolescence. The results from braces can last a lifetime with the proper use of retainers, so there is still plenty of time for adults to enjoy the benefits of braces treatments.

Can adults get braces free?

The cost of braces will vary for each patient, but there are options available to reduce this cost and make it more affordable. For starters, patients may want to consider financing their braces treatment, which breaks up the cost of treatment into affordable monthly payments. To reduce the cost of braces, patients may want to consider orthodontic insurance. Many insurance providers cover some of the cost of braces for adults, and while it’s rare, some providers may even cover the full cost to allow adults to get braces for free. Be sure to consult your orthodontic insurance provider to determine your coverage for braces treatment.

If you’re considering braces as an adult, it’s never too late to get started. Drs. Savage, Sabol and Visser are here to provide you with a successful and life-changing braces treatment no matter your age. Contact us today to learn more or schedule your consultation.

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