How to Become an Orthodontist - Drs. Savage, Sabol & Visser
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How to Become an Orthodontist

Many patients who have undergone an orthodontic treatment grow inspired to become an orthodontist themselves. After all, orthodontic treatments can be life-changing, enhancing quality of life, overall health and self-confidence. However, there are a few major things to consider before becoming an orthodontist. Here’s a crash course in how to become an orthodontist.

Is Becoming an Orthodontist Hard?

Becoming an orthodontist isn’t necessarily hard, but it can be a big commitment. This is because becoming an orthodontist has considerable financial and educational requirements. Orthodontists will have to complete at least 10 years of school before they can practice orthodontics. This includes four years of an undergraduate program, earning a bachelor’s degree, four years of dental school, earning a dental degree, and finally, two to three years in an orthodontics residency program to earn a certificate of orthodontics. Each of these educational prerequisites will come with financial costs and a large investment of time and energy.  While these requirements can be manageable for someone who is eager to enter the field of orthodontics, they are no small obstacle.

Is Becoming an Orthodontist Worth It?

Orthodontists are largely happy with their work and will tell you that it’s a career worth having. This is strengthened by the satisfaction of helping patients achieve healthy, beautiful smiles! However, when considering if it’s the best career for you, it may be helpful to consider how the financial costs and outcomes compare to other jobs.

For example, the average cost of a bachelor’s degree starts at about $15,000 per year. Dental school can cost anywhere from $150,000 up to $500,000 for a four-year program. An orthodontics residency program could cost another $200,000 or more. Keep in mind – these figures are only tuition. You still need to pay for living expenses, and it’s rare that students are able to maintain jobs on the side during their educational years. Whether you take out student loans or have other means of paying for school, you can expect total costs to range anywhere from $400,000 to as high as $1,000,000 to become an orthodontist.

The good news is that an orthodontist’s salary can make up for these big expenses. The average orthodontist salary is around $200,000 per year, which can quickly offset student loans or other debts accumulated during school. It may only take a few years of working as an orthodontist to come out ahead!

What is the Best Major for Orthodontists?

For those who are interested in pursuing a career in orthodontics, it all starts with the bachelor’s degree. According to the American Dental Education Association, there is no single major that is best for aspiring orthodontists. However, dental schools generally require prerequisite coursework in areas like biology and chemistry. Therefore, it could be advantageous to major in biology, chemistry or closely related majors.

Drs. Savage, Sabol and Visser are the leading orthodontics in Virginia Beach and on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. Contact us today to learn more about our practice or schedule your visit.

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