Invisalign | How to Care for My Invisalign Aligners - Drs. Savage, Sabol & Visser
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Invisalign | How to Care for My Invisalign Aligners

Invisalign aligners may seem low maintenance at first. There are no wires or brackets, they’re easily removable and they’re nearly invisible while worn! However, none of this means that Invisalign aligners are maintenance-free. Just like you would care for traditional braces or other appliances, you’ll need to make a habit of caring for your Invisalign aligners to preserve their hygiene and stick to your treatment plan. Here’s everything you need to know about caring for your Invisalign aligners!

1.  Remove Them When Eating & Drinking

The first step in caring for your Invisalign aligners is removing them when you eat and drink. As clear appliances, they are much more susceptible to staining than something like traditional braces. Furthermore, they’re also quite fragile compared to traditional braces. Eating or drinking while you are wearing your Invisalign can cause damage to the aligners. Excessive damage to your aligners will prevent them from doing their job of straightening the teeth, and potentially prolong your treatment!

2.  Store Them Safely

Whether you are temporarily removing your aligners to eat, drink or brush your teeth, or, storing future aligners for later in your treatment, it’s essential that you store them safely. Always store your aligners in the provided case so they don’t get damaged. Storing them loosely in your pocket or in a bag leaves them vulnerable to accidental damage. Additionally, this could even expose them to germs and bacteria that may end up going back into your mouth!

3.  Clean Them

One of the most important things to do for your Invisalign aligners is clean them regularly. We recommend cleaning your aligners every time you take them out to brush and floss. Once removed, simply brush the inside and outside of your aligners with warm water. You can also purchase a dedicated Invisalign cleaning system to care for them, although it is not necessary. As long as you clean them regularly, you’ll be eliminating bacteria that would otherwise collect in the Invisalign trays. If this bacteria is not cleaned, it can eventually lead to the buildup of plaque on the teeth, affecting your oral health.

If you are experiencing any difficulties in caring for your Invisalign trays, contact us today. Drs. Savage, Sabol and Visser specialize in Invisalign treatments and can assist you in any questions you may have about the treatment process.

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